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The technology of HIGH H PH is
Kangen Water® Technology.
At the push of a button the unit makes 5 different levels of PH. Besides drinking the world’s healthiest and safest water, you’ll discover how to utilize the powerful 11.5 PH strong HIGH H PH® with the KANGEN WATER® technology.
You’ll creat a greener enviroment for your family by eliminating toxins found in your home and plastic bottles.
Make our HIGH H PH® with KANGEN WATER® part of your daily routine. It doesn’t take a dramatic change to start improving your health.

Pure,clean, HIGH H PH® with KANGEN WATER® is at your finger tips.
The uses for the 5 different types of water are endless
High PH LEVEL ( 8.5, 9.0 & 9.5 )
Used for cooking and drinking to maintain health.
Neutral PH LEVEL ( 7.0 )
Used for infants and taking time-released medication.
Low PH LEVEL ( 6.0 )
Used as astringent toner,and for skin irritations.
Strong high PH LEVEL ( 11.5 )
Used for food preparation/cleaning.
Strong low PH LEVEL ( 2.5 )
Used for disinfecting, sanitizing,etc

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